In these epidemic times, I think we should follow Greg Anderson’s quote »Focus on the journey, not the destination«. We need to adjust a lot of things and our project is just one of them. Now, we are focusing on the journey and we are trying to reach our destination but with a few more stops on the way.
Although we haven’t done any LTT activities, we try to follow other planned activities. At the beginning of the school year, we selected the students that participate in the project. We have our eTwinning site and project’s website and, at our last meeting, project coordinators selected the logo for our Erasmus+ project. All logos were created by students that are taking part in our Let’s STEM up our education project and each project group of teachers voted for the best logo at their school. Afterwards, coordinators decided upon the winner logo. The logos were nice and one could see student’s effort in them. At the end, simplicity prevailed and the logo made by M.O. from Bogojina elementary school was chosen. It is available on our website.